Edge Computing

Edge Computing

CAXSOL’s tailored, edge computing services are focused on businesses within the Edge Ecosystem realizing and utilizing the power of edge to disrupt the industry. Edge computing, combined with industrial IoT or Industry 4.0 can help you manage the supply chains, crowd managements and digitally transform your work process.

Our Services


Eradicates the stem of the issue from the data

Our team helps stem the problems in their initial stage from the rapidly increasing data. We understand that digital and physical technology sometimes overlap and overpower each other. The eroding boundary creates a surplus of data that is difficult to manage without the right tools. We help you track issues and solve them before they escalate.


An efficient alternate solution to data transfers

Our edge computing services are a competent substitute because a significant amount of the data does not navigate over a network to a data center or Cloud to be routed. This reduces the delay between the data transfer instruction and the actual transfer of data. We enable less restrictive, faster data analysis to create opportunities for subterranean insights.


Accelerate Your data analysis processes

Introduce advanced levels of BI to your existing data analytics with our services. This lets you build a more insightful set of data and improve your decision-making.


Eliminate redundant information

By using traditional Cloud architectures, you accumulate a lot of data at the speed of light. All of them aren’t always necessary. Instead of wasting storage space and maintenance efforts on data, you will never require, we will help you comb through the system to eliminate them. We would ensure that your systems are equipped to send only needed data to Cloud while ignoring the data that’s of no use.


Predictive maintenance

Software engineering and BI have made it easier to detect and solve issues before any damage is done. We can help you monitor all the IoT sensors, data centers, and codes to maintain machine & system health. This enables you to avoid latencies and perform real-time analytics.


Improve your content delivery

By caching your content- web pages, apps, websites- at the edge, we can improve your content delivery and reduce latency. We guarantee flexibility, security, and customization of the network, based on your user traffic requests.


Better security systems

Enterprises that have complex and sizable data security systems, CAXSOL can drastically lower your bandwidth and improve proficiency.

How we’ve helped brands grow?

These are just the tip of the iceberg of the Edge Computing services we offer. As one of the leading Digital Transformation service providers, our team is fully equipped to build and maintain Edge Computing strategies that would help you harness and leverage opportunities swiftly. The world of Edge is vast and its benefits are equally enormous, if not more. Get yourself the tools, knowledge, and resources to be the best version of yourself with our effective, cost-friendly, and cutting-edge technology.